Once you get your Surge Mastercard Credit Card, then you might be wondering about How to Activate Your Surge Mastercard Credit Card. If so, Then this guide will help you.
Activating your Surge Mastercard Credit Card is a quick and easy process. Once you receive your new card in the mail, You’ll need to activate it before you can start using it.
To activate your Surge Card easily, Read this guide, Follow every step, And start making purchases with your new Surge Mastercard Credit Card.
How to Activate Your Surge Mastercard Credit Card?
You can activate your Surge Mastercard Credit Card by following three ways:
- Online
- By Phone
- Continental Finance App
Below I’ve given detailed steps for each method.
Activating Your Surge Credit Card Online
- Visit the SurgeCardInfo Login page.
- Now, choose the “Activate a New Card” option.
- Now, Enter the Last 4-digit of the credit card number, the Last 4-digit of the SSN, and the Billing Zip Code.
- At the end, Hit the “ACTIVATE MY CARD” button.
- Within a little time, Your card will be activated.
Activating Your Surge Credit Card by Phone
To activate your Surge Mastercard by phone, Just follow these easy steps:
- Call 866-449-4514, The main Surge card support line.
- Tell the automated system, “Activate My Card.”
- Talk to a real person who will guide you through the activation. Share your card number, Social Security number, and any other info they need.
- In a few minutes, Your card will be activated and ready to use.
Steps to Activate Your Surge Card with the Continental Finance App
To activate your Surge Credit Card using the Continental Finance App, Follow these steps:
- Download and install the CFC Mobile Access App from your mobile device’s official app store.
- Open the app and choose the option to activate your Surge Credit Card.
- Input the required details like your card number, social security number, zip code, and any other information they ask for.
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the app to finish the activation.
- Once the activation is confirmed, You can start using your Surge Credit Card.
Final Words
Activating your Surge Mastercard Credit Card is a simple and important step to start using your new card.
Just follow the easy instructions provided above, And you’ll be on your way to making purchases and building your credit.
If you ever have any questions or queries regarding this, Kindly let me know in the comment section.